Sunday, November 22, 2009


The sun rises over the canyon bringing on another day. It was cold in the morning and i was shivering. Got quite a few blurred ones . The viewpoint is the Yavapai Observatory. made me sing "Morning has broken like the first morning

Mother of the Canyon

The Mighty colorado the primer carver of the canyon now meanders peaceful and rapid at times . This is the maker of this grandeur. And who is Her maker. teh One who make and beraks and looks joyfully at His play

Sunset@canyon on a clear day

On a clear day the sun is shockingly bright an the clolurs too are well defined. Notice the hues as the light fades. Almost poetic

Sunset Boulevard @canyon

As the sun sets the shades tuen colour and the rocks are bathed in that light. reminds of heidi - The sun kisses them Goodnight so that they may not forget Him

history frozen in a rock

As one looks at these rocks one feels the history of their hoary origin. The geology is there exposed for any one to see as if the earth herself has opened her heart here.

the stormy waters

By what dim shore of the ink-black river, by what far edge of the frowning forest, through what mazy depth of gloom art thou threading thy course to come to me , my Friend - Gitnajali
PS-this is a painting of the rapids I did not go down that deep

The Lord is My shepherd..

Day by day thou art making me worthy of the simple great gifts that thou gavest to me unasked - This skyand the light, this body and the life and the mind - saving me from perils of overmuch desire..
day by day thou art making me worthy of thy full acceptance by refusing me ever and anon, saving me from perils of weak,uncertain desire

The Lords Footstool?

Here is thy footstool and there rest thy feet where the poorest,and the lowliets, and lost - Gitanjali
There are several formations in the Canyon which resemble temples . And so the are named. The temple of Osiris, Brahma Temple, Buddha temple...

Poetry of Light

My poet's vanity dies before thy sight, O Master Poet, I ahve sat down at thy feet. Only let me make my life simple and straight, like a flute of reed for Thee to fill with music - Gitanjali

Give back to the world

this cactus is unique. For thirty years it labours in the desert to collect sap in its heart. then in 15 days it shoots out this 8 to 10 foot stalk which flowers disperses seed and dies.
I too have gathered form the industry and the world 30 years of experience . now is the time iI have to disperse it so that the new tribe may benefit

Light and shadow

The Light of Thy music illumines the world. The life Breath of thy Music runs from sky to sky - Gitanjali
The grandeur of the grand canyon defies description. being there is like knowing that you are on earth and the universe at the same time. As u look into the Canyon it seems to stretch on and on. Caought here is a pic with light and shadow on a cloudy day