Tuesday, March 15, 2011

the journey of Drona so far

Setup Drona Edutronics (thats education +Electronics) in Jan 2010. Started operations in April 2010 with funds from friends and family.
Now its close to year. Here is what I learnt
1. Free tools are too restrictive: Udutu was what e started off for creating courseware but quickly moved to Articulate and PowerPoint. Created several visually appealing and engaging courseware based on scenarios and learningthrough problem solving. Took care to have the scenarios close to industry practice. Also had some courseware with just specific knowledeg and tips to acquaint undergrads with terminology, conventions and choices in components.
2. had estimated 10 days for a course/module per developer. It was closer to a month and with much handholding
3. Team we had has all but vanished and wilted under the pressure to perform. have tried to alleviate by having Wed morning experience share meetings and Saturday afternoon movies which inspire. Mostky from TED or other such sites.
4. Creativity is needed for thinking out the how and the what. Got our tema to read atleast Chap 1 of Horton's Elearning by Design
5. Most industry experts are able to give a narrow view of the subject. This has to be tempered with a lot of research to round off the course
6. Story boarding is resisted by most developers. They would much rather launch straight into the concept
7. E learning development is by no means cheap if you want to do a good job of it. Perhaps like any other work!!

So Drona enters into its new year with many challenges.

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